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It was a small rural school by old coal stove , warmed . Boy was obliged to come to school every day very early and turned on the heater to teachers and classmates before class to warm . One day , when students enter the school grounds , the school saw the flames burning . Their half- unconscious body of his classmates that he was left in Rmqy , and they immediately rushed to the hospital .
With a body burnt and half-dead boy was lying on the hospital bed , when suddenly she heard the doctor said, " your son is no hope for survival , the more flames deep, his body burned and destroyed ." But the boy did not die at all . She decided to trust in God and seek him for all his efforts to survive and live close to work and that was it .
He truly lived and died in front of shocked Zdhy doctor . When the danger was over , he turned the boy back to his mother heard the doctor say, " Poor thing , because his legs are not used , is forced to walk limped life ."
Again the boy made his decision . He will never Lngyd . He will go up , but unfortunately there was not any movement in his legs . Finally the day came when the boy was discharged from hospital . His little legs to rub her every day , but they did not feel any movement . However, the boy did not have any effect on the determination of the firm belief that one day will be able to walk
A sunny day in her wheelchair for the recess yard range. On that day , the boy Dfhhay Unlike before, not in a wheelchair . He pulled himself out of the mess on his feet , he begins to crawl on grass . He crawled and crawled round to Nrdhhay wooden white painted Hyatshan was reached.
The trouble with that was, and took up his fence and went along the fence and eventually left. He would do it every day , so that his footsteps were seen around the house along Nrdhhay . He did not want anything to restore life to his little legs .
Finally , with God's will and determination Pvladynsh , he could stand on his feet and with a little patience could move and walk and eventually run. He went back to school because of the distance between home and school fun running . Even at school he formed a team of two .
Years later , the boy was walking with no hope of survival , and the " Glenn Ganyng·ham » Square Garden " Madison " was able to break the record for sprinting distance of a mile !